Leading Cryptocurrency Platform for Mining and Trading

mining calculators

No part of the website content that we provide should considered as financial advice, legal advice or any other form of advice meant for your investment. You should conduct your own research and do proper analysis before investing in any cryptocurrency. Trading is a highly risky business, please consult with your financial advisor before making any decision. If you invested $100 in Ethereum Classic a year ago then then your $100 would have become ETC $71.51 now.

It fetches the historical https://www.beaxy.com/ Classic price from the database and compares with current Ethereum Classic Price and calculate the profit or loss made on it. Every aspect of our Ethereum Classic mining calculator has been developed for miners by miners. Calculate Ethereum Classic mining profit using one of these Ethereum Classic miners. Select or click a miner to have the inputs preloaded automatically. Meme coins have become a sensation in the world of cryptocurrency.

Ethereum Classic Mining Calculator

Best Ethereum Classic mining profitability calculator with difficulty, hashrate, power consumption , and kWh preloaded for 2023. Yes, mining Ethereum Classic is still profitable – based on the mining hardware hashrate of 2,500.00 MH/s, electricity costs, and pool / maintenance fees provided. All calculations assume that mining begins immediately. The current block number is taken to be length of the current longest blockchain as given . The number of days until the first difficulty adjustment is taken to be the ETA estimate provided byblockexplorer.com. Subsequent increases are assumed to occur regularly according to the specified interval.

  • Meme coins have become a sensation in the world of cryptocurrency.
  • The exchange rate is held fixed, so the assumption is that all BTC revenues are held and exchanged for USD at the end of the time horizon.
  • Otherwise, you can be at a loss if the network difficulty rises in the future, with the last resort to add efficient hardware or switch to a separate coin for mining profitably again.
  • You can set an expected price increase ratio for each period based on current price.

Yes, Ethereum mining is still profitable in 2021 IF you have the right configuration. This means your electricity cost is cheap enough to make a substantial profit. Pool fees – Usually miners group together into mining pools in order to increase their chances of successful mining. Some values (e.g. exchange rate, difficulty) are updated automatically. You can adjust any value manually to simulate possible scenarios. The exchange rates and revenue and profit projections produced on this site are for educational purposes only.

Mining Profit

Results will be displayed automatically in USD (to see the detailed calculation, click “Show Details”). Get your payment for every valid share sent to the pool with the PPS+ reward type. Our agents will help You on realtime discord chat text if You have any problems. We GAL strive to help our readers gain valuable, trusted insights through in-depth analysis, high-quality and well-researched News stories and views from the digital currency community experts. Our young and dynamic team is comprised of well-known journalists as well as Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Experts. CryptoGround.com is an independent publishing house that provides Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Technology News.

It takes into account all relevant costs such as hardware, electricity and fees. The exchange rate is held fixed, so the assumption is that all BTC revenues are held and exchanged for USD at the end of the time horizon. Hence, if you expect the exchange rate to rise or fall, enter the value you expect at the end of the time horizon. Bitcoin is a digital, cryptographic, peer-to-peer currency.

Buy Price is the price at which you got your Ethereum Classic and Sell Price is the price at which you sold or plan to sell your Ethereum Classic. Our Ethereum Classic Profit Calculator is a simple calculation tool that you can bookmark and can help you no matter which cryptocurrency you want to calculate. While, mining Ethereum Classic is still profitable as of right now… Web 3.0 brings a new revolution in cryptocurrency and gives the user greater control over data. CryptoCompare is the best and the easiest one to predict the mining income of a few notable cryptocurrencies. This is generally about 1-3% of your individual reward.

Not a big factor, though, as joining a good pool also means greater chances of winning a block. Power cost – How much are you paying for a KiloWatt per hour of electricity in USD. In order to mine profitably its best to mine in naturally cool areas (e.g. Iceland) where electricity is cheap and cooling is less required. For our readers who are looking to make a profit with crypto, we recommend looking into Ehtereum staking as an alternative for mining. I highly recommend doing your own search of the best price with enough volume to sell on a specific exchange. If you have any suggestions or you’ve found an error please contact us on Discord .

The etc profit calculator exchange rate is taken to be the daily volume-weighted average exchange rate reported by Bitstamp. These values are updated periodically throughout the day. The default difficulty growth rate is taken to be 5%, which was approximately the average two-week difficulty increase between February 2016 and August 2017.

difficulty growth

It is a News Media Platform which serves its audience with accurate News and Analytical Articles. Our team is committed to providing unbiased News & Reports related to various Cryptocurrencies, Decentralized Apps, Initial Coin Offerings and Blockchain technology. In the “Investment” field, enter the amount that you have invested. Choose the fiat currency with which you traded on the exchange.

Calculate Crypto Mining Profitability With Mining Calculators

Subsequently, others follow suit, leading that crypto to a death spiral. You must factor in halving as the cost to sustain mining goes up naturally, while the rewards surely go the other way. It may make mining unprofitable unless the coin appreciates countering the periodic cut in block reward.

Will Ethereum Classic repeat recent history and recover from $18 level soon – AMBCrypto News

Will Ethereum Classic repeat recent history and recover from $18 level soon.

Posted: Thu, 09 Mar 2023 23:35:41 GMT [source]

Enter your Ethereum Classic mining hashrate, power consumption in watts, and costs. The Ethereum Classic mining information is updated continually with the current block mining information. This information is used as the default inputs for the ETC mining calculator along with the default hashrate and wattage specs from the best Ethereum Classic miner. So this was a very brief article about crypto mining profitability and the factors affecting it. Still, we must warn you about the risky adventure you’re up against. However, using the CoinSmart mining calculator for Litecoin might not be accurate because it’s listed for only Bitcoin mining.


Finally, no article can summarize your potential profits . It’s highly unpredictable and depends on the particular mining conditions. With this calculator, the Bitcoin mining profit turned out to be 4,188.49 CAD (3,285.91 USD). You can set an expected difficulty increase ratio based on current difficulty, for example 2~4%. You can set an expected price increase ratio for each period based on current price.


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